11.5 IT Equipment Acquisition/Asset Management and 确认政策 & 程序


这项政策是为了方便购买和使用IT /微电脑设备 and software used on the East Georgia State College campus. This policy is to formalize 硬件和软件的批准、获取和管理程序 安装电脑系统及其他相关资讯科技系统. 所有 departments / units of the college are covered by this plan.


The primary goals of this policy are as follows:

    1. 使购买微型计算机系统的当地审批程序正规化.
    2. Establish steps for the approval process.
    3. Establish standards for hardware and software for microcomputers.
    4. 建立微型计算机的通信和网络能力标准 系统.
    5. 提供有关微型计算机系统标准的详细信息,以便 appropriate 系统 meeting standards are easily identified.

Approval Process – 政策 and 程序

采购信息技术设备和/或微机系统的审批程序 hardware and software will consist of the following steps:

    1. 在购买任何微型计算机系统或相关信息技术设备之前,请求人 必须先咨询学院的信息技术部门,以确保 系统/设备和/或软件将与学院的正常运行 network configuration and other related IT configurations. In addition, by consulting 在购买前与信息技术部门联系,这有助于确保 no duplication in equipment or services will occur.
    2. 所有采购微机系统及相关IT信息设备的请求 是否需要填写学院的部门申请表或购买 卡申请表格-这两种表格都可以在学院的内联网网站上获得 ——第一次世界大战.f444444.com.
    3. 在向学院的业务办公室和/或部门/部门提交申请之前 院长,所有的请求必须路由到学院的信息副院长 Technology for approval. If needed, the request may be returned to the originator for corrections and/or changes. The Vice President for Information Technology will assist the requestor in preparing the request for approval.
    4. 如果一项请求未得到信息技术副总裁的批准,则由信息技术副总裁负责 请求将连同评论和对问题的解释返回给发起人 反对.
    5. 所有的采购请求将坚持当前的大学系统格鲁吉亚采购 程序.

Hardware 政策, 程序, and Standards


    1. 英特尔奔腾IV或更高版本的微处理器惠普目前是首选的国家供应商 for computer workstations. No Apple / Macintosh computers may be ordered unless obtaining prior approval from the Vice President for Information Technology.
    2. Minimum of 4GB of RAM 与 upgrade capabilities.
    3. Monitors – 1024 x 768 VGA non-interlaced for Intel machines. 最少17英寸平板 panel displays should be obtained.
    4. Minimum of 200GB hard drive; 24X CD-ROM or 4X DVD drive 与 CD / DVD burner.
    5. 能够连接校园网的以太网卡-最小10/100/1000MB卡.
    6. Minimum three-year warranty for parts, service, onsite service.

所有 microcomputer 系统 will be purchased from state contracts. 所有请求必须 给出推荐供应商的名称和地点以及合同号. 请求 对于非国家合同来源的微型计算机,除非 the equipment requested is not available from a state contract.

计算机系统和外围设备将被安装/移动、维护和/或盘点 only by Information Technology 工作人员. The exception will be the college's Plant Operations 职员,他们经常协助资讯科技署的搬迁事宜 它的设备. Information Technology will maintain an inventory of College computer 系统 in an Access database. Included in the database is the hardware information 计算机的处理器、类型、RAM、硬盘、IP地址、Mac地址和大学 decal inventory number (if available). Also included are the employee and division responsible for the equipment. An inventory of software loaded on each computer is 维护以确保许可协议不被违反,用户不被违反 下载可能干扰已安装的支持软件的软件.

EGSC资讯科技部的职员不负责 为教职员工、学生或其他相关方提供技术支持 与 个人拥有 它的设备 and/or software.

——唯一的例外是信息技术部的员工负责 for providing support for 个人拥有 它的设备 (i.e., notebook, laptop computer) 是(1)协助教师,职员,学生或客人的学院谁正在经历 访问学院无线互联网服务的问题或(2)提供帮助 对教师 & 工作人员 for problems utilizing the EGSC VPN remote access. 请参考 参阅“资讯科技支援服务政策”,以获取更多资料 十大正规网投平台这个问题.

Life expectancy of microcomputer 系统 and related information

学院购买的微型计算机系统将继续使用/翻新 for a period not to exceed five (5) years. Only 工作人员 of the College's Information Technology Department may perform refurbishing tasks. Systems that have become outdated 或已超过五年预期寿命的将被送往当地 州剩余设施或转移到乔治亚州其他合格实体. 在任何情况下,任何大学拥有的计算机相关设备(无论过时与否)都不得使用 (或以其他方式)和/或软件借给(临时或长期)个人 或者其他各方.

Software 政策, 程序, and Standards

(请参阅 East Georgia State College Approved Software/Applications Policy for additional information regarding approved software and applications.)

The following standards will be followed when requesting software:

    1. Operating system for workstation machines is Windows 7.
    2. 学院认可的办公软件是微软office专业版 -当前版本.
    3. The college's approved Virus protection software is McAfee.
    4. 资讯科技只支援下列电邮申请: Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express.

-任何必须安装在一个或多个学院网络服务器上的软件 must first be approved by the College's Information Technology Department. 安装 of such software will be done only by Information Technology 工作人员.

-所有对软件的请求都必须经过副总裁的审查 Information Technology.

-每个学期,教师将被通知(通过电子邮件)提交的截止日期 software installation requests for the next semester. After the deadline has passed, 任何下学期的软件安装请求都必须得到批准 by the Vice President for Information Technology.

-学院学术实验室的软件需求将由该部门进行审查 chairperson and approved by the Vice President for Information Technology.

-所有软件和许可证将由信息技术部门接收和清点 工作人员. 软件和许可证将存储在信息技术部. 在经济可行的情况下,学院将通过 the Information Technology Department.

